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Swagelok Sweden

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Quality Management

We have strict requirements because our customers have strict requirements.

Since 2009, Swagelok Sweden has been Swagelok Quality System (SQS) certified and we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

We are registered by Achilles Utilities and have Inspecta Nuclear Type Inspection Certificate No. 5936 on thousands of components.

Furthermore, our three-day tube fitting installation and maintenance training, Swagelok-skolan, is reviewed by Inspecta.

SVAFAB Stockholm Valve & Fitting Aktiebolag (organisationsnummer 556181-1877) har av Swedac ackrediterats som kontrollorgan ”C” för Trycksättning med gas omfattande provning med över- eller undertryck


Swagelok Company's Certifications

Swagelok ISO 14001:2015

Swagelok Company operates an Environmental Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

Copy of certificate

Swagelok ISO 45001:2018

Swagelok Company has been audited and certified as meeting the full requirements of ISO 45001:2018

Copy of ISO 45001:2018 certificate

You can find the Swagelok Supplier Code of Ethics here.